an_ardent_rain Feb 02, 2011 21:19
comic stuff, fuck yes, photoshop fail, runaways, piccage, old lace the velociraptor, marvel makes a surprise appearance, chase and gert are adorbs
an_ardent_rain Sep 22, 2010 14:30
fuck yes, fangirling, fandom, finally! ♥, glee
an_ardent_rain Aug 27, 2010 03:07
fuck yes, squee, important!pants, anime, literary bits, story notes, full metal alchemist, goofy, excitable hannah is excitable, screw this noise, finally! ♥, writing, revelations, stuff, royai, i am an intese person okay?!, 30 days, slash goggles, awesome, author approved, original characters, no one cares about this but you hannah